March 29, 2011

Hair Update!

So, for about a week now, I've been wearing my hair in super duper long braids, like Solange's, and I love them!! They're extremely easy to wear, as far as styling goes. Because of thier length, I can literally do whatever I want with them. My favorite style right now, has been wrapping them in turbans. Lol, I've become a turban fanatic, even though I'm technically not supposed to wear them at school, because it's a type of hat? Ohhh Well though! Heyy, somewhere I read that if we follow every rule life thows at us we're not really living right? :D.

My plans are to keep them in until the end of April, haha we'll see how that goes though...

The last time I checked (before I put my braids in), my hair is at about 4 inches now! Whoop Whoop!! :D.

Spring is Here, Spring is Here!

Follow me on polyvore! Simply.Eli


"I am the greatest, I said that even before I knew I was."
-Muhammad Ali

"Alll of the Lights"
Kanye West ft. Rihanna, Kid Cudi

hairspiration <3.

"the cause"

Selita Ebanks
"the girl crush"

March 24, 2011

R.I.P. Elizabeth Taylor

For many years, Mrs. Taylor Graced the the public eye, and worked her way into the hearts of many. An AIDS awareness pioneer. A true jewel of classic Old Hollywood.

Dear Elizabeth Taylor,
   You will be missed. &Hearts.

March 22, 2011

Simply Because, Poetry Is...

Young Soul

First, feel, then feel, then
read, or rear, then feel, then
fall, or stand, where you
already are. Think
of your self, and the other
selves... think
of your parents, your mothers
and sisters, your bentslick
father, then feel, or
fall, on your knees
if nothing else will move you,
                              then read
                              and look deeply
                              into all matters
                              come close to you
                              city boys--
                              country men

                              Make some muscle
                              in your head, but
                              use the muscle
                              in yr heart

-Imamu Amiri Baraka

I Heart Tumbluh! (In My Brittish Accent lol)

March 21, 2011


"I'm a rebel with a cause, and I just might make news today."
-Crown City Rockers


YouTube's Sjsafety18 view on natural hair.

"the cause"
"girl crush"

March 18, 2011


"If you have no confidence in self, you are twice defeated in the race of life."
-Marcus Garvey

"The Story"

hairspiration <3

If you have a Tumblr please do this!!
1000 reblogs = $10
10000 reblogs = $100 .. and so on
Okay, we know, we know, it’s shameless self promotion. We will be using the increased traffic from our website to fund this donation. We will be sending Red Cross the check for the Japan Earthquake and Pacific Tsunami.
UPDATE: We forgot to add what we’d do if someone were to “like” the post. We will combine the reblogs and likes we got from our last post along with the reblogs and likes we get from this post.
We wish we can donate more, but it’s all we can handle. If you would like to donate directly to the cause, please click here.
We will be donating 1 cent per every reblog, 1 cent for every like and 5 cents per every new follower we get. We’ll be sending the check to American Red Cross.

Email us at for any questions regarding this.

the girl crush :)

I'm Back!!

Heyy Guys :). So, I know I've been mia for the past couple of weeks, my life's been crazy full with school, hair, church, and my tutoring business, but now I'm back, and I've been working on alot of stuff for the blog. Over the next couple of months you'll see alot of new things that I've been working on. Annnnnd, yesterday, I went on an interview for an internship that I'll be doing this summer at a radio station starting in July, super duper excited for that. So, I plan to post some stuff about that later on in the summer. In the meantime though, just hang in there with me, and I promise I won't let you down. :)<3.

Much Love Always,
Eli <3.

R.I.P. Nate Dog

I realize I'm late, but I had to do it. Better late than never right?

I Got Love

Current Events: Crisis in the Ivory Coast

Below are a few statistics I found on

•400 killed in ongoing political violence since November elections [BBC]
27 killed this past week [UN]
10 killed last night alone in Abidjan [AJE]
450,000 refugees, says UNHCR [BBC]
200,000 have fled in the past two weeks alone [Reuters]
800,000 children have been out of school for months [AllAfrica]
9,000 UN peacekeepers in Ivory Coast [BBC]

Blogloving! Follow LML

Follow my blog with bloglovin

March 03, 2011

Confession- Love of My Life Rebirth

            I feel like I owe everyone who is following this blog an apology for the way I’ve been running this blog. When I first started LML, I planned for this blog to do and be much more than what it is now. My initial intentions were for this blog to be a place for young people to come to who are interested in politics, the world, fashion, poetry, art, natural hair, literature, music, culture, and just loving life and who you are. I wanted this blog to be an inspiration to young people all over the world, and so far, in my opinion that is definitely not the direction the blog is currently going in.

            So, with that, I have decided that today, March 3 2011, is the rebirth of Love of My Life. And I promise to dedicate myself to making sure that the new LML is everything that I planned for it to be when I first started it.

            The new Love of My Life- politics, the world, fashion, poetry, art, natural hair, literature, music, culture, loving to unconditionally and consciously love our world and ourselves.

Much Love,